*Spell Sharing - Quote*
Three gates of Speech - Rumi
Before you speak, let your words pass through three gates:
At the first gate, ask yourself “Is it true?”
At the second gate, ask, “Is it necessary?”
At the third gate, ask, “Is it kind?”
This is a quote from Rumi, but we Japanese people believe that mystical powers and spirits (言霊:kotodama) dwell in words too. Through our words, we are passing and spreading the energy and spirits to others and the world.
言葉がくぐるべき三つの門 (ルミの言葉)
一つ目の門: 「その言葉は真実か」
二つ目の門: 「その言葉を言う必要はあるか」
三つ目の門: 「その言葉に思いやりや優しさはあるか」